Internal rules of the site

1. Objective

These Internal Rules are designed to make the experience of Visitors to the Site as pleasant and safe as possible and apply to everyone who enters the Site.

2. Definitions

In these Internal Rules, the following terms have the corresponding meanings and this, where relevant, both in the singular and in the plural:

  • Visitor: any (natural) person who enters the Site in any capacity and in any context;
  • Easyfairs Belgium: Easyfairs Belgium, a limited liability company under Belgian law with registered office at Maaltekouter 1, 9051 Ghent, Belgium and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0424.681.440, RPR Ghent;
  • Event: an event (including an event or trade show) organized by Easyfairs Belgium and/or by an Organizer on the Site;
  • Site: the entire site consisting of the buildings, infrastructure and parking lots of Antwerp Expo, Flanders Expo, Nekkerhal – Brussels North or Namur Expo, respectively, depending on where the Event is organized;
  • Internal Rules: these Internal Rules of Easyfairs Belgium, including any future amendments thereto.
  • Organizer: the organizer of an Event on the Site, including Easyfairs Belgium.
  • Ticket Providers: the Organizer, Partners of the Organizer and/or of Easyfairs Belgium, Easyfairs Belgium and the exhibitors of an Event, either paying or for free.

3. Scope

3.1. General
These Internal Rules apply to the entire Site and shall be strictly observed by each Visitor in order to ensure safety, hygiene, cleanliness, order and the proper functioning of the Site. Deviations from the provisions of these Internal Rules will only be granted exceptionally with the prior written agreement of Easyfairs Belgium. The control of the application of these Internal Rules is carried out by Easyfairs Belgium.
3.2. Notification
The Internal Rules are published on the website of Easyfairs Belgium as well as on the website of the Sites (Antwerp Expo, Flanders Expo, Nekkerhal – Brussels North and Namur Expo). Visitors who purchase a ticket or received a ticket online through the Ticket Sellers or on the Site through a ticket booth will be able to become familiar with and must accept the Internal Rules during the purchase process before proceeding to purchase a ticket or the use of a ticket. Visitors who obtain access by other means (visitor badge) will be notified of the Internal Rules through their contact person. The Internal Rules are also available on request at the Site reception desk.
3.3. Conflicting provisions

These Internal Rules are without prejudice to the contractual provisions applicable in the cooperation between Easyfairs Belgium and Event Organizers, as well as in agreements concluded between Easyfairs Belgium and concessionaires, partners or sub-contractors.

In case of conflicting provisions between these Internal Rules and an agreement concluded with Easyfairs Belgium for a specific Event on Site, as well as other applicable general terms and conditions on an Event, these Internal Rules shall prevail, unless expressly stated otherwise in writing.

More specifically, these Internal Rules are without prejudice to the general terms and conditions for visitors to Events organized by Easyfairs Belgium (such as

  • FACTS Events, with the exception of article 4 “Access” and article 6 “Privacy” of these Internal Rules, which take precedence in order to ensure consistent application to the respective Sites.

Other terms used by Easyfairs in contractual documents (including the General Terms and Conditions for Venues and Events), such as the term ” relevant internal rules of procedure”, refer to these Internal Rules.

4. Access

4.1. General

The Visitor agrees to comply with these Internal Rules and to behave as a normally prudent and responsible person while visiting the Site.

4.2. Tickets for Events
Tickets for an Event can be obtained through the Ticket Sellers. Easyfairs Belgium encourages to purchase tickets for Events online and in advance as much as possible. With the exception of tickets sold or offered by Easyfairs Belgium for its own organized Events, Easyfairs Belgium shall not be responsible for the impossibility for a Visitor to attend an Event organized by an Organizer on the Site as a result of an error in the purchase or in the distribution of a ticket and shall in no event be liable to refund any ticket purchase price. If a Visitor wishes to exchange a ticket for another ticket with the same or a higher price, the Visitor must contact the Organizer of the relevant Event or Easyfairs Belgium, if it is Easyfairs Belgium organizing the Event. Paid tickets for Events are not transferable. Any transfer or resale of a ticket by a Visitor to another Visitor or a third party (or any attempt to do so) will automatically result in the invalidity of that ticket, without the Visitor being entitled to a refund of the purchase price or any other compensation in this regard.
4.3. Children

Visitors who are less than sixteen (16) years old must be accompanied by a supervisor while visiting the Site.

4.4. Animals

With the exception of recognized assistance dogs for persons with disabilities and animals intended to be displayed during an Event, animals are not permitted on the Site. However, for its Event, an Organizer may expressly decide otherwise subject to compliance with applicable legal requirements. During their presence, animals shall remain under the sole responsibility of their owner. Easyfairs Belgium shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by animals belonging to a Visitor or an Organizer.

4.5. Access for professional reasons
Visitors who enter the Site professionally, whether or not in connection with the organization of an Event, report to the Site reception desk. Further arrangements will then be worked out through his or her contact person. If Visitor badges are used, those visitor badges are not transferable.
4.6. Denial of access
Easyfairs Belgium reserves the right, upon entering the Site or during an Event, to deny access to the Site to any Visitor who, without this list being exhaustive:
    • Cannot present a valid admission ticket to the Site (for example, a Visitor’s badge or an Event ticket);;
    • Is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other narcotics and/or stimulants;
    • Is in possession of a weapon and/or dangerous items prohibited by law;
    • Exhibits behaviors that are provocative or offensive, incite hatred, anger or racism and/or disrupt public order;
    • Disrupts the work of Easyfairs Belgium collaborators and/or the relevant Organizer;
    • Disrupts the visit of the other Visitors to the Site;
    • Has been prohibited from accessing the Site by Easyfairs Belgium and/or the relevant Organizer and/or a judicial authority; or
    • Fails to comply with the provisions of these Internal Rules, despite requests to do so by Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizer.
In order to guarantee the security of the Event, its Visitors and the Site, Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizer concerned shall call upon authorized security services. The security agents may, within the legal conditions, deny access to the Event and the Site, including body search (examination of the clothing and body of the person concerned) and visiting (inspection of personal belongings).

5. Safety

5.1. General

During a visit to the Site, each Visitor undertakes to comply with the safety measures of Easyfairs Belgium. These safety measures can be consulted via the following link ( A copy of these safety measures can be obtained on request.

A Visitor who is confronted with an unsafe situation for himself and/or for other Visitors shall inform an employee of Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizer as soon as possible.

It is strictly prohibited for a Visitor to (without this list being exhaustive):

  • Smoke into the buildings, halls, premises, restaurants, restrooms and waiting areas of the Site (including e-cigarettes in any form). Smoking is permitted in the outdoor area of the Site in the designated areas;
  • Fly on, in or over the Site with a drone without the prior written and express consent of Easyfairs Belgium;
  • Make photo, video, and or sound recordings for professional purposes without the express permission of Easyfairs Belgium (see also Article 6. Privacy);
  • Cause damage to other Visitors or to collaborators of Easyfairs Belgium or the Organizer or to goods, installations and/or buildings of the Site;
  • Enter rooms that are not intended for the public (for example, a technical room and any room where it is indicated that this is only accessible to collaborators of Easyfairs Belgium), unless a professional activity requires this and, if necessary, with the express authorization of Easyfairs Belgium;
  • Obstruct passage at access and/or evacuation routes, emergency doors, extinguishing equipment, stairs or staircases. Objects blocking this passage may be removed by Easyfairs Belgium or by a third party commissioned by Easyfairs Belgium;
  • Endanger the safety of other Visitors or collaborators of Easyfairs Belgium or an Organizer;
  • Generally disrupting order on or within the Site;
  • Bringing (loud) music systems inside the Site;
5.2. Accidensts

Any accident that has occurred or injury sustained while visiting the Site should be reported immediately and no later than before leaving the Site to the Site’s first aid station for registration, review and care (if necessary).

5.3. Evacuation
Each Visitor undertakes, in the event of fire or any other event leading to the evacuation of (or part of) the Site, to strictly follow the directives of the Easyfairs Belgium staff and the security forces. In the event of evacuation of all or part of the Site, it is prohibited to re-enter the evacuated areas without the prior express permission of the Site’s staff and/or law enforcement bodies.

6. Privacy

6.1. Surveillance cameras

Any Visitor may be photographed and/or filmed by the surveillance cameras present on the Site, whereby these images may be recorded and stored. The recording, storage and recording of these images is done in accordance with applicable legislation (the Act of March 21, 2007 regulating the placement and use of surveillance cameras, as amended or replaced as appropriate) and solely for the purpose of maintaining order and security on the Site.

6.2. Photography and filming by Easyfairs

Images of Visitors (photo and video) may be captured on the Site as part of promotional material created by Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizers during Events. This material may be shared on the website of Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizers or may be broadcast or televised. When this occurs, the personal data of Visitors will be processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizers to promote Events. If specific photos or videos are taken of a Visitor during a visit to the Site or during an Event, the Visitor in question will always be asked for permission, at least verbally, beforehand on site, for the processing and further use, both in order to guarantee his/her personal data and his/her right to image.

Easyfairs Belgium’s privacy policy can be viewed here.

6.3. Photography and filming by others than Easyfairs

Visitors who wish to make photo, video and/or audio recordings for professional purposes on the occasion of Events must make prior arrangements in writing with Easyfairs Belgium and/or the Organizer of the Event. If permission is granted by the Visitors concerned, they must inform the other Visitors of the Event and, if necessary, request the necessary authorisations in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

7. Parking en mobility

7.1. Use of the parking

Parking on the Site shall be in the spaces provided for that purpose. No motorized or non-motorized vehicle (and/or trailer) may be in a space not provided for that purpose or marked as being reserved for certain persons (including a certain Visitor).

It is prohibited to enter the parking lot of the Site between 23:00 and 06:00 or to leave a vehicle in the parking lot of the Site between the aforementioned times, except as a Visitor to an Event taking place after 23:00 and insofar as the vehicle is parked in a place provided for that purpose.

Each Visitor shall ensure that his or her vehicle is securely locked when leaving it in the Site parking lot and that any valuables objects contained in the vehicle are not visible.

Easyfairs Belgium reserves the right to tow any vehicle left on the parking lot after 11:00 p.m. that does not belong to a Visitor of an Event taking place after 11:00 p.m., or that is not parked in a designated area, at the owner’s expense.

Bicycles must be parked in designated areas. Easyfairs Belgium reserves the right to move or have bicycles moved to the appropriate area, if not parked in designated spaces, at the owner’s expense if necessary.

7.2. Use of charging stations

Charging vehicles is only allowed in marked spaces, and vehicles may not remain parked for more than 24 hours without permission.

Charging stations are exclusively for electric vehicles that need to be charged. Users must move their vehicle within 30 minutes after the charging session is complete.

A starting fee of €1.00 is charged per charging session, and if the vehicle is not moved after 60 minutes of inactivity, an “idle fee” of €0.03 per additional minute will be charged.

7.3. Mobility and speed regulations

All motorized vehicles must adhere to a maximum speed of 30 km/h on the site.

During events, only motorized vehicles for people with disabilities (such as mobility scooters) are allowed in the halls, with a maximum speed of 5 km/h (walking speed).

Steps are not allowed in the halls, except during setup and breakdown periods.

8. Commercial actions

It is prohibited for Visitors to develop any commercial activity on the Site, distribute flyers or other promotional material, hang posters, hold meetings or speeches, collect membership fees, hold fundraisers or beg, exchange items for free, etc. without the prior written and express consent of Easyfairs Belgium. Any breach of this prohibition shall automatically and without notice give rise to the payment of damages amounting to 3,000 EUR per individual breach and per day during which the breach continues, excluding, where applicable, the costs relating to the cleaning and maintenance of the part of the Site used for the commercial action and without prejudice to Easyfairs Belgium’s right to claim higher damages if the amount of actual damages suffered exceeds the aforementioned amount. It is prohibited to use tickets for Events for advertising, commercial or promotional purposes, or for games, competitions or gambling activities without the prior written and express consent of Easyfairs Belgium.

9. Eet- en drankengelegenheden

Food and beverage outlets are offered on the Site by the Organizer or by Easyfairs Belgium (on its own behalf or through its concessionaires, partners or sub-contractors), within the framework of public sales or during the Events. The assortment of the various food and beverage outlets as well as the sales prices, are clearly indicated in each food and/or beverage outlet.

10. Waste, welfare & hygiene

Each Visitor undertakes to behave in an environmentally friendly manner during his or her visit to the Site by (among other things) sorting waste in the waste bins provided for that purpose and by respecting fences, plants, flowers and lawns. Each Visitor is expected to do his or her sanitary needs (including childcare) in the areas provided and designated for that purpose. Throwing objects into the toilets is prohibited. Menstrual products, diapers, diaper wipes and others must always be disposed of in sanitary trash cans. The water in the fixed and mobile sanitary facilities is not drinkable, which means that drinking is prohibited.

11. Electricity

The Site’s power outlets are intended solely for the use of the facilities and services offered during Events. It is strictly prohibited for Visitors to connect personal electronic devices to power outlets. Personal electronic devices include (among others) phones, laptops, tablets, powerbanks, chargers and other devices not directly related to the organization or performance of an Event. In case of an unauthorized use of the power connections, which continues notwithstanding a request to stop it, Easyfairs Belgium reserves the right to confiscate an electronic device connected to a power connection of the Site for the duration of the visit of the owner of the electronic device. The confiscated electronic device will be kept at the reception of the Site or at security, where it can be retrieved at the end of the visit, subject to identification of the owner of the electronic device. Easyfairs Belgium also hereby reserves the right to charge a fixed indemnity in the amount of 350 EUR to compensate for the administrative and consumption costs involved.

12. Network

The Visitor may connect to the FREE_Wifi network to access the Internet, respecting the guidelines under ‘General Conditions of Use’ which can be read for agreement when logging on to the FREE_Wifi network. Disturbing and unofficial hotspots of Visitors will be detected and removed at the Visitor’s expense.

13. Lost objects

Each Visitor is responsible for their belongings. If a Visitor finds lost objects belonging to third parties, these must be handed in at the reception of the Site. Easyfairs Belgium cannot be held responsible for the deterioration of lost objects kept by it at the reception. Easyfairs Belgium shall make all reasonable efforts to retrieve the owner in application of Articles 3.58 and 3.59 of the Civil Code. If a Visitor has lost items themselves, they can report it by email via the contact page of the Site’s website as mentioned in Section 3.2. Recovered items may be picked up after contact by appointment or returned to the owner, upon payment of shipping, packaging and handling fees. Lost items are kept for a maximum of one month.

14. Liability and information

14.1. Liability
Each Visitor is personally responsible and liable for the damage he causes to the Site and undertakes to compensate Easyfairs Belgium in this regard at its first request. Visitors to the Site participate in Events at their own risk. Easyfairs Belgium is not liable for:
  • Physical or non-physical damage to a Visitor resulting from participation in an Event, which is not attributable to gross negligence or wilful misconduct of Easyfairs Belgium or to a serious Site defect;
  • Damage to or loss or theft of a Visitor’s property, including motorized or non-motorized vehicles and bicycles parked in the Site’s parking lot (whether or not in the spaces provided for that purpose) and, in particular, Visitors’ electronic devices confiscated as a result of unauthorized use of power outlets of the Site in accordance with these Internal Rules;
  • Indirect damages, except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
  • Errors and omissions of third parties, including Organizers, except those of its own subcontractors.
14.2. Information
The information related to Events displayed on the Easyfairs Belgium website or the Site is the same as that communicated to Easyfairs Belgium by the Organizer of the relevant Event. However, Easyfairs Belgium does not provide any guarantee to Visitors as to the accuracy and completeness of this information, including but not limited to information regarding commercial guarantees and fitness for a particular purpose. If the website of the Site contains a link to an external website of another company (whether or not an Event Organizer), Easyfairs Belgium does not provide any guarantee to Visitors regarding the content of such external website. Easyfairs Belgium therefore cannot be held liable for the content of this external website or for the way in which this other company handles Visitors’ personal data. Easyfairs Belgium advises Visitors to always read the privacy policy of external websites of other companies for more information about the use, processing and protection of personal data.

15. Contact

Any questions, comments and suggestions can be addressed to Easyfairs Belgium at the following e-mail address:

16. Disputes

These Internal Rules are to be interpreted exclusively in accordance with Belgian law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of these Internal Rules shall be submitted for exclusive and final adjudication to the courts and tribunals of the judicial district where the Site is located.
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