Archeologen aan het werk in Flanders Expo

Works at Expo Park unearth archaeological findings

Recent works being carried out at the Expo Park have unearthed a number of significant Roman remains. Among other findings, archaeologists discovered traces of pillars and a whetstone, suggesting the presence of former Roman settlements.

    Roman farmsteads
    In a small area near Bovenhove, archaeologists from De Logi & Hoorne discovered certain findings that required both cataloguing and further investigation. Using a small crane, the archaeologists examined the largest traces of pillars, pointing to the remains of Roman settlements. The many deep holes, dug by the Romans to erect wooden beams as foundations, indicate the presence of large farmsteads typical of the era. These were sometimes as long as 12 to 18 metres, and 7 to 8 metres wide.

      We can safely conclude that these traces are Roman in origin thanks to the archaeologists’ discovery of the whetstone, a stone used by the Romans to sharpen metal.

        Archaeological report
        So, what now? The archaeologists are working on a report, including a plan of action for the further processing of findings, with all results set to be published two years following the excavations. Just a little more patience required, then!

          With excavations now complete, works on the Expo Park have now resumed, and are still on course for completion in October, as scheduled.

          The whetstone.
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